Installing Agate III for Walser
To begin using Agate III, a folder of programs and HTML help files must be installed on a user's PC, and a shortcut named 'Agate III' created on the user's PC desktop. One executes the AgateInstall.exe install program on the user's PC to copy these files from Walser's FTP (File Transfer Protocol) website. This program can be downloaded or it may be obtained from your company's Agate III support administrator.
Security settings on the user's PC may prevent the install program from copying the 'Agate III' and 'Starting Agate III' shortcuts to the desktop. If that happens, these shortcuts can be manually copied to the user's PC desktop from the C:\SKAMPtrk folder created by the install program.
Version 1.6, 1.7, or 1.8 of the 32 bit Java run-time (JVM) must be installed on the user's PC, and all older versions must be deleted. The AgateInstall.exe program will prompt you to install the JVM, if it detects no JVM is installed.
After successfully installing Agate III, use the shortcut to start Agate III. Each time you start Agate III, your local files in the C:\SKAMPtrk folder are updated (synchronized) to the most current files on Walser's FTP website. This is done in the background while Agate III is running. You must stop and restart Agate III for any updates to become effective.
To log into Agate III you will be provided a user id and password. To avoid having to enter these each time you start Agate III, these can be entered into the C:\SKAMPtrk\java.ini intialization file. Remove the the asterisk ( * ) in the first column of UserId and Password keywords after changing them to your user id and password. For new users of Agate III, a user id and password must be added to the Agate III database server, as well as entries added into user setup tables in the Agate III database. Contact the Agate support administrator for assistance in setting up a new user id.
Once you are logged into Agate III, you will see the menu window which contains context sensitive help information for each folder and command. Clicking on any link in the menu window's help will display a help window. This help window works similar to a web browser. This help window can be positioned and resized for your convenient reference.