Setting up a User

    1.  If necessary, define a new user id and password using an operating system utility.

    2.  Grant database privileges to the user id using a database utility.

    3.  Define the user to the Framework with 'Maintain users'.

    4.  Define the user's workstation with 'Maintain workstations'.

    5.  Initialize the user's global properties with

            'Maintain a user's global properties'.

    6.  Assign the user either

          a) to a group with 'Maintain groups' or

         b) to a starting set of folders

              with 'Maintain user to folder relationships'.

    7.  Create a C:\SKAMPtrk folder on user's workstation

    8.  Initialize the workstation property in the C:\SKAMPtrk\Java.ini property file

            WorkstationName=  (20 char. max.)