Property Files

The Framework has two property files, java.ini  and javaGlobal.ini, located in the C:\SKAMPtrk folder on a user's workstation.

The files are concatenated together at execution with the javaGlobal.ini  being read first.  When the files contain duplicate entries, the first one found is used by the Framework.

Typically, an organization's installation of the Framework contains only one javaGlobal.ini  file, which is copied to the workstation's C:\SKAMPtrk folder while starting the Framework using an operating system script file.  This start up technique provides a method to maintain system-wide property values, such as the database name, in one easily maintained file.  The java.ini  property file is used for values unique to a workstation. 

Here is a sample javaGlobal.ini  file:

   * Database to access


   * JDBC driver to use

Here is a sample java.ini file:

   * This workstation's name




   *Start this program at start up


   * Auto log on this user id, rather than prompting

   *    for user id and password


   * Password for auto log on


   *** disables checking user id and workstation id

   ***    with SY_USER and SY_WORKSTATION


Note:  An asterisk (*) in column one lets a line to be used as a comment.

C:\SKAMPtrk can be changed to another folder by passing a /S: parameter to the AgateStart class when starting the Framework.  This parameter option facilitates starting the Framework from a Linux or Citrix client.  See the AgateStart class’s source code documentation for more information and other start up options.